Sep 30, 2010

October; National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

october is national domestic violence awareness month.
in honor of it AND my mom, i am tinting this photo purple because that is the awareness color. (like pink is the color for breast cancer awareness)

my mom and i are both victims AND survivors. victims at the hands of someone who should have been a protector, but survivors because we are free from those hands. some women never get the chance to be survivors, but we did - and for that we are GRATEFUL!

it is still very painful & the awful memories will never fade, but with God's help, you CAN get through it.

if you know of anyone in a violent relationship, GET THEM HELP!

do not wait!!! their life may very well be at risk.

the national number to get help for yourself or someone else is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

this is my mom:

and this is a poem she wrote several years ago. (link goes to a flickr photo)

i love you, mom!


Carol Marks said...

This is one of Mary Kay's biggest charitable foundations. They have raised nearly 3M dollars in 2009 and donated to shelters, three of them in Alabama.

Brandi Sims said...

this is awesome! thanks for sharing this with me. :)